Saturday 7 February 2015

App Of The Week: Civilization Revolution Lite

I love The Civilization Series as a computer game, so when I saw the Civilization Revolution game, I wanted to try it.  I sometimes don't like app versions of games I play on my computer as I find it too small to and harder to work, so I didn't want to spend money on the full version. They do have the Lite version which is what I ended up downloading.

If you like Civilization, I think you would enjoy checking out this version to see if it is something that would work for you.  You can always buy the full version later. 

You start out the game at the dawn of man, and grow your civilization into the modern area. You will be going head to head with history’s greatest leaders as you wage war, conduct diplomacy, discover new technologies, inspire your nation and build the most powerful empire the world has ever known.

You get to choose from 3 Civilizations in the Lite version, and of course still choose which way you want to obtain your victory while you are in the process of the game.

A new feature that they don't have in any of the other games I have played, you can combine 3 units into one powerful army by tripling your strength.

Of course they have the tutorial and advisors that are common in all the Civ games so you can feel confident playing whether you are new to Civ or not.

I do have to admit I find it less fun then the computer game, but it's still something that I can do when I am out and about and I don't have my computer near by.  It is fun, and for sure will keep me busy, and my brain working while I wait.

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