Sunday 22 February 2015


I have to admit I am surrounding by people that love playing Chess, and while I understand the game, and how the pieces move around the board, it's one game I can't stand.

Oh I can have fun for the first 5-10 minutes, but after that point, I am bored to tears.

You can always tell when I am getting tired of the game.  The conversation goes something like this:

Me: <deep sigh> <looks at board....figures out worst possible move, and makes it>
Opponent: I don't think you want to do that.
Me: Yes. Yes I do.
Opponent: No I don't think you understand.  That's a bad move.
Me: It's fine.
Opponent: But if you do this, then I will do this, and then it will be check mate.
Me: Then I will lose and be out of the misery that is playing this horrible game?
Opponent: Yes.
Me: Ok so still waiting to find out why I wouldn't want to do that move. 
Opponent: Ok just make it already.

I am not sure why this game makes me so insane, but it does. I just get several minutes in and then start to lose interest.

Are there any popular games that you can't handle either?

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