Monday 23 February 2015

Zelda Coming to Netflix?


Over the last month, rumours have been flying around that Netflix and Nintendo are in the early stages of considering making a live-action series based on the popular video game series - The Legend of Zelda

Filtering through the comments, the responses have been varied, from excitement to skepticism to down-right disapproval. 

"I'll believe it when I see it." 

"If they can get it to work...I'll be interested to see how it turns out." 

"Please, please, PLEASE, Nintendo, kill this before it gets any stronger" 

Seeing as Zelda has been part of the gaming world for nearly 20 years, there's a special place in the hearts of its fans that understandably nervous at the idea of taking the story of Link to a different platform. That and Nintendo's screen adaptations of some of its big-name games haven't always been the best..... (Super Mario Brothers movie, anyone?) 

 However, general consensus agrees that Netflix seems to have a history of making surprisingly great programs for their own platform, and so many are waiting to see what the final product would be like before making a judgment. 

 Of course, I tend to lean towards the side of skepticism after reading the original article and noting that there's really no official source or verification possible. I do think that the adventures of Link have a lot of potential to be a great series, if done properly and with attention to the detail that Legends of Zelda fans would appreciate. My only request: Please, please, please.... don't let me hear the words "Well, EXCUUUUUSE ME, Princess." So, what do you think? Would you watch a series about a adventuring boy who doesn't talk? Would you like to see Hyrule come to life?

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