Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Getting Some Geek Fuel
 If you have been around a while, you will know that we love our geeky and gamer gear!  Plus I am a sucker for mystery boxes of goodies!  So you know I was all over Geek Fuel! 
Each box is full of random boxes, and you can get them starting at as low as $13.95 USD a month.  That includes an original t-shirt design!  You aren't going to find these just anywhere.  This t-shirt is worth the price of the box, so to me rest of what you get is free!  Right?

 I received the May box and it was jam packed full of cool things!  Check out these goodies:

 Check out this amazingly cool limited edition poster!  It is made my Terribly Odd, and it is all kinds of awesome!

It is simple, but seriously says it all with out having any words or anything!

This is one of those things that is amazing, and I would have never heard of without Geek Fuel!

Terribly Odd has many other things on their site, which I totally want to get my hubby, but I do not see this poster on their site to buy!

And this is why you need a subscription, or else, all you can think is I wonder what I am missing this month.

 Secret Wars Issued #1 - Marvel Comics
Variant Cover by Dynamic Forces

Bringing together the worlds of Earth-616 and Earth-1610, the first issue of Secret Wars is yours, in rare form.

This comic comes with a certificate of authenticity! Nothing fuels a geek like collector edition geekery! 

DF is the comic book and collectible industry's top producer of limited edition and autographed memorabilia, including comic books, lithographs.  So they created this specific cover for the Geek Fuel team.  You aren't going to find this anywhere else....again.... I wonder what you are going to miss next month if you don't sign up now!

 You wanna know what is sheer awesome? Paying $13.95 for a box of goodies, getting a t-shirt, and a free game valued at $10!  YUP!

Ok so I am not so much into the tattoo sheet, but I have 3 boys that will love it.  I do like playing games, and ones I don't have to pay for are my favourite kind!

So not only do I get some tattoos, but I get a free game. 

Square Heroes is a comical arena shooter featuring Online, LAN, Co-op and local multi-player and an arsenal of weapons to blast your friends out of the sky!

Hone your skills and level-up your character in the single-player Tournament, or skip straight to the main event and challenge your friends in one of the hilarious and frantic online skirmish modes.

Plants Vs Zombies Enamel Pins. You can collect them all, and look awesome while doing so!

Wouldn't these make a great accessory on your tie, lapel, sweater, hat, etc?

You can even set up your own attack!
 This is an exclusive bonus offer.  If you just go and sign up any old way, you will NOT get this magazine. 

In order to ensure you do not miss out on the next issue be sure to sign up through me, as this is for referrals only!

So SIGN UP HERE to get your bonus Retro magazine!

Ok am I the only one that always found Koozies a bit of a pain in the booty to get on and off the can?

Well not know with this Slap Koozie! Just slap it on anything you want to Koozie!

Easy Peasy!! Love it.

I mentioned that each box comes with an awesome shirt, right?

Did I mention Geek Fuel actually has ladies sizes?

Well they do! And that makes them sheer awesome in my books.  A box of nerdly goodness with a Men's size Tee shirt isn't as awesome, since I am not a man after all! I love that I can get them in ladies sizes!

My tee actually came with a ticket for the tour and I could win a prize! Sadly  I didn't win (boo!), but I still love my Weeping Angels Tee, and it would've been a super awesome bonus to have won as well!

So which item is your favourite?

Want to subscribe?  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. A SLAP-ON can coozie?! THAT"S AWESOME!!

    And I really love that batman/pacman t-shirt! :D Cool.


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