Sunday 28 June 2015

Tips and Tricks for DomiNations; How to Build a Quicker Army

At I mentioned previously, DomiNations is one of my current favourite games. Raiding other players is a big part of the game, which means you are frequently stuck waiting for new soldiers to train (after the last batch got slaughtered). By the time you get to the Classical Age you can have up to three Barracks built. As you likely quickly realized each time you level up one of your Barracks you gain the ability to hold 5 more troops in your army. What you might not have realized, what it took me an embarrassing amount of time to figure out, is that if you space out where you train your troops they will be ready much faster.

Let me explain further. Let's assume you currently have zero troops. You click on one of your Barracks, choose to train as many troops as your army can currently hold, and it shows it will take x many minutes to train them. You may notice, each Barracks only holds so many troops, so as they are trained they fill up the space in front of first one camp, and then the next, until all of your troops are trained and all of your Barracks are full.

So the trick here is to not just choose one Barracks to train your troops at, but all of them. For example, in my case I currently have three Barracks with a total Troop Capacity of 65. Assuming I have just managed to wipe out my army and now need to rebuild from 0. I click on one of my Barracks and pick 65 slots worth of troops to train, the timer says it will take 41 minutes until my army is ready.

However, let's say instead I click on all three Barracks. I set the first Barracks to train a third of my troops, I set the second Barracks to train a third of my troops, and I set the third Barracks to train the remainder. Now the timer on each Barracks is at around 10 minutes. Which means my army will be completely trained and ready to go in about 10 minutes instead of around 40 minutes, a time savings of 30 or more minutes, a.k.a. much quicker. And in this game quicker is almost always better, right?

When trying to spread things out between barracks keep in mind that some troops take longer to train than others. The more food it costs to train a unit, the longer it will take.

I also want to mention, don't be afraid to click on the minus button.

See that minus button right there? Click on that to reduce the number of soldiers you are training. There's no penalty. You won't lose any food. The amount that you had already spent to queue that soldier up for training will show up back in your total food count. You can change your mind, and swap what troops you have queued up to train. And you can also minus a troop from one barrack and move over to a different barrack and set him up to train there.

And what all of that means is you can fiddle around until you have you have all three barracks showing a similar amount on the timer, and get your troops trained and ready to field as quick as possible. Cool right?

Was this news to any of you, or did you clue in to the whole training at multiple barracks thing on your own? Have any other interesting tips for playing DomiNations?

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