Tuesday 28 July 2015

Mario Kart 8 Downloadable Content Review

In The Knit Wit house, we are big fans of Mario Kart, so we are always interested in reading reviews, or checking out products that are related to the franchise.

We do not currently only a WiiU, although I really do want one.  However, The Downshifting Pro family has one, and they have Mario Kart 8 too!  She has posted before about the game, and decided to share her son's thoughts on the Downloadable Content for Mario Kart 8.

Good grief, it’s been a while.
After a long hiatus, I am back to give you a first for this blog: a review that’s NOT of a full game. Instead, as the title clearly indicates, I’ll be revisiting Mario Kart 8 for my thoughts on the available DLC (DownLoadable Content), as well as other features that were brought in for the 4.0 and 4.1 updates. But first, I’d like to correct some mistakes I made in the original review. Without further ado, let’s cut to the chase!

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