Friday 13 November 2015

Family Game Night, Yay or Nay?

As a gamer I have always found the concept of family game night to be a bit silly. I mean why would we have to set aside a particular time to play board games? I wrote about this over on Maple Leaf Mommy a few days ago. Here's an excerpt:

While we don't have any one night set aside as "Family Game Time", we play games with the kids regularly. We are a family of gamers. My husband has over 1200 board games in his collection, yes seriously. We play board games a couple times a week, minimum. We have friends over at least once a week to play games, and we also help host a few different local public board gaming events each month. So when people ask if we do family games night my instinctive reaction is to stifle a laugh. Family games night? Ha. No, we just game All Of The Time. 
Except lately I've found that we don't. This week I realized I couldn't remember the last time I sat down and played a game with the girls...

To read the rest head over to "Whatever Happened to Family Game Night" on

(Oh and perhaps I should mention there's a Mattel Games giveaway involved too! So head on over to enter to win a set of two board games.)


  1. Yay, of course. It is a great way to teach your children about fairness in sportsmanship and using logic and skill and how to lose or win gracefully.

  2. I vote Yay!! That being said, as kids grow older, unless it is a video game they become disinterested in board games. That is my own experience anyhow. My son always said they were board games (bored games) because they were boring LOL

  3. i vote yay! i love family game nights.

  4. We have a traditional family game night once a week. We enjoy it a lot.


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