Saturday, 7 May 2016

Tips for buying a used Xbox 360

Now that the Xbox One has been out for a while, it's the perfect time to grab an Xbox 360 as a back up machine, or one for the kids to play on.  They are less than $100 now, and you can get games either used, or really cheap.  Get a 2nd box, and link them together and play games over the system link.

When I bought the Xbox 360 for my hubby, I learned a couple of things, and since having a second hand one, we have learned a lot more about what to do!  We wanted to share those things with you:

1. Know the Xbox 360 you are getting and if there are any added things needed.  Everyone thinks to get a controller, or two. What they don't know, or don't think of is, your Xbox 360 may not have a hard drive or much internal storage.  I learned this the hard way.  There is a glossy black one that comes with a hard drive in it for storage.  Otherwise you have to buy that separately.  I am not sure why people don't mention that at point of purchase, but they don't.  So be sure to ask the questions. Nothing worse than getting it home, getting ready to set it all up, only to find you have no storage for any of the games or information you are trying to put on it.

2. Get the hard drive! Further to #1 ask the question, then get the hard drive. You may feel like you don't need it, but you will need either that or a USB stick.  If you have numerous large USB sticks lying around then you can consider skipping the hard drive. But it is usually just easier to buy the 2 together, and sometimes you can get a better deal that way.

3. Do a Factory Reset - The easiest way to set up an Xbox is when you get it new from the factory. You turn it on, and it walks you through it. When you are getting one used or refurbed you might need to set it to factory settings. It makes it easier to personalize to you, and also you are then easily clearing out all the previous profiles and saved games. Also freeing up any internal storage there may be.  Here is a great step by step instruction list from Wiki How on how to do the factory reset.

4. Set it up without the kids around - Most kids are going to want to jump in and start playing. They might want to change up their profile, but they can always go in and tweak it later.  I highly recommend doing as much as possible with out the kids there as they get impatient and it can take a while to get it into playable condition.  It is better for your sanity and theirs if you just do it ahead of time.

5. Put in fresh batteries into the controller - Seriously, those things can eat batteries and nothing is more annoying then being in the middle of a game, and having the controller turn off because you are out of batteries.  It's best to put some good quality batteries in before handing it over, or before playing yourself.

Any important steps I missed?

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