Tuesday 2 August 2016

8 Female Gaming Characters That We Love

Ok let's face it, there are a lot of male characters out there.  I mean A LOT!  But there are some female characters that we happen to really like.  We thought we would share 8 8 Female Gaming Characters That We Love, and the reasons why we do:

1 . Lara Croft

Why do we love Lara Croft?  She is often considered to be a catalyst for more female leads in video games, and that right there gives us reason to love her.

Lara is hard core, and a strong female character.  She has her own gaming series, and does not need a male character to rescue her.  She is out adventuring, and killing bad guys all well using her brain to solve puzzles.

She is sexy, but not wearing string bikinis.  This is how most women want to dress, appropriate for the task at hand, but still feel sexy.  We can be fully clothed, and still have sex appeal.

2. Princess Peach

Princess Peach has been a staple in our lives, since we were little kids.  She is generally sweet and well mannered, selfless, perky and generous. While she needs to be rescued a lot, and often plays the damsel in distress, we still love her.

Don't we all have days when we need a little help from our friends? And I know I for one would like to be a princess every once in a while.

3. Ms Pac-Man

Some of you may be younger, but Ms. Pac-Man was the first female gaming character I have ever seen.  And she was conceived in response to the original Pac-Man being "the first commercial videogame to involve large numbers of women as players" and that it is "our way of thanking all those lady arcaders who have played and enjoyed Pac-Man."

My sisters and I played Pac-Man all the time, it was a favourite game, and all our friends use to play too.  We had a Pizza Delight across the street from our apartment building, and we would all take our quarters to go play.  We very rarely got pizza, just went and pumped the game full of quarters.

We loved when they came out with Ms. Pac-Man because then we could choose to be the girl instead of the boy. 

4. Kitana
Kitana is on of the lead characters from Mortal Kombat, and is an elite assassin as well as a princess.  Come on, what girl wouldn't love a princess who is also an assassin?  

She is fiesty and kicks butt, can kill people if she wants to, but is also royal blood.  Her outfits are more revealing than I would wear, but to each her own.

5. Sonya Blade

Sonya Blade is one of the original seven player characters of the Mortal Kombat franchise.  She has been featured in almost all of the games since her inception.   The game creators realized they should have a female character so they created her.

She is a tough lady that doesn't sit back on her laurels.  She is a commanding officer of the United States Special Forces and later of a specialized U.S. government agency.  This is the kind of character that women can get behind.  It reminds us that we can be anything we want to be.  Sometimes we forget this.

6. Princess Zelda

This is a princess from the Zelda games, who is usually being rescued by Link.

I love this quote from Wikipedia:
Some games in the series have emphasized Zelda's magical abilities and importance to the functioning of Hyrule, demonstrating that she is more than capable of taking care of herself. 
So basically this is a beautiful princess, who gets rescued regularly, but she could just take care of herself if she really wanted to.

I know personally, I could do a lot of the things that my hubby does for us.  But he likes taking care of the family, and doing these things for me, and I like having to not adding another thing to my to do list.  I think Princess Zelda is my kind of peeps. 

7. Yuna

Yuna is one of the main playable characters in Final Fantasy X, and some of the other ones as well.
She is a summoner who embarks on a journey to defeat the world-threatening monster along with her friends. 

Any lady that can summon and use magic to save the world from a monster is pretty cool in our books!

8. Cortana

Cortana is a AI character from the Halo series, and while she isn't a physical character she is a very large presence in the game. She is smart, and able to learn and grow.  She is highly skilled and capable of hacking alienn computer systems and decoding transmissions.  She can be a little cocky about her abilities, but she knows she is capable and what her skill set is.

She is also a take charge kind of gal. While Master Chief is the skilled assassin she is often saving his skin, and telling him the way out and how to fix things.

We like seeing female characters are smart, and are treated with respect like Cortana is.

I chose these characters because there is something about each one that resonates with me.  It reminds me that as a woman, I can be bad arse, a fighter, a lover, sexy, and still kick butt. That I can sit and be the princess, and damsel in distress some days. I don't always have to be strong and kicking butt, I can sometimes need to be rescued in one way or the other.

Which female characters do you love?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to pick Princess Peach because she is really the only one I know about. (Judy Cowan)


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