Tuesday 6 September 2016

10 Funny Gaming Jokes

Sometimes you just need a giggle!  Here are 10 Video Gaming Jokes that made me laugh!  And I am not sure if that means they are funny jokes or I have a weird sense of humour!

1. How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
You poke-em-on!

2. What’s the difference between Call of Duty: Black Ops and a restaurant?
A restaurant usually has a good host and servers that work.

3. You know you’ve been playing Halo too much, when the weatherman announces flood risks and you get out a shotgun.  

4. What is Link’s favourite animal?  

5. Why does Donkey Kong eat bananas?
Because he finds them a-peeling!  

6. You’re so bad at Tetris, on two-player mode you've been beaten by a guy \with a controller that has broken left and right buttons.  

7. Why does Donkey Kong always brush his teeth?  
To prevent tooth DK.  

8. Link was trying to open a heavy door when Navi told him, “Triforce.”

9. What does a gorilla wear to the beach?
Donkey thong.

10. What do you call a Nintendo Wii in France?
A Nintendo Yes.


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