Saturday 8 October 2016

Netflix for Gamers: What Gamer Goodies Are Streaming This Fall?

I'm sure you're already aware that there is plenty of geeky and gamerific content available on Netflix. Except, I feel like what usually springs to people's minds are the sci-fi and fantasy TV shows or films. Sure, Netflix has everything from classics like Dr. Who and Star Trek to newer shows like Stranger Things and The 100, but they also have some other awesome things that may have flown under your radar.

As far as TV shows go, just in the past few months hubby and I have plowed through Daredevil (so much awesome here, tell me you've seen it?), Jessica Jones (didn't love it as much as Daredevil), Stranger Things (if you are a gamer this is a Must Watch), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (yeah, all 7 seasons), Angel (yep, you guessed it, all 5 seasons), Voltron: Legendary Defender (I don't care if it's a kids cartoon, it's soooo good, you must watch this, must) and started in on Star Trek Deep Space Nine.

However, while it's true that Netflix has enough fantasy and sci-fi television episodes to keep you occupied for a lifetime, or two, what I want to direct your attention to today is the documentaries section because there are some serious hidden gems in there.

The Dwarvenaut

This is a biopic that follows that story of  Brooklyn-based artist and entrepreneur Stefan Pokorny, the founder and chief sculptor at Dwarven Forge. This documentary talks in depth about Stefan's love of Dungeons & Dragons,  and covers the growth of Dwarven Forge from it's founding, to it's first incredibly successful kickstarter in 2011 to where they are today.

Vintage Tomorrows

This is a documentary about Steampunk, the world of what if, the world where fantasy and science fiction comes together "looking back to look forward again." Vintage Tomorrows tries to define "What is Steampunk?". It delves into the history of the Steampunk community, it's origins, growth and cultural significance.  If nothing else, it's a visual treat full of shots of Steampunk art, props and cosplay. It also includes interviews with genre authors and illustrators (William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Phil and Kaja Foglio,  Jeff VanderMeer, and Claire Hummel, plus MANY others).

Sky Line

Sky Line is the story of how one physicist is working to make reality out of Arthur C. Clarke's dream of an elevator to outer space. There is plenty here that could be turned into fuel for your Sci-Fi, Modern Day or Cyberpunk campaign. Interesting stuff.

Elstree 1976

I'm going to make a leap here and say that many gamers are also Star Wars fans, and if you are a Star wars fan then you'll likely find this quirky documentary about the bit players from the original film to be fascinating stuff (or as my husband said, good background noise for punching out a new board game).

What did I miss? What other off beat shows do you think fellow gamers would enjoy streaming?

(Also I should probably note, I am Canadian, and watched all of these on Netflix Canada. If you're located elsewhere availability may be different.)

If you need a few more TV time suggestions, check out this list to see a few other quirky Netflix shows I recommend (and enter to win a Netflix giftcard!).

Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam, and as such provide thoughts and suggestions about what’s currently showing on Netflix. As always my words and opinions are my own.

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