Sunday 20 November 2016

Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition

Back in the day our family had the old Pong game as our first gaming system, and we moved up to an Atari! I remember that being amazing at the time.  Then our worlds changed. We got the original Nintendo system! That was the ultimate and we have been brand loyal since then. 

I spent many hours playing the various Nintendo systems, and my all time favourite game is Dr. Mario.  It has to be the original although I do have a copy of an updated version for my Wii now.  When I heard about the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition, I was very excted! It reminded me of my childhood and I heard it had a bunch of games loaded on it.  It wasn't until I found out it has Dr. Mario that I had to have it!  It wasn't out until November 11th, but it was on my Christmas list long before then!


All my friends that are my age, or close to it, had this system, and ones since, and we all totally freaked with Nintendo announced this system! It's nostalgia overload!

This system comes with 30 of the all-time greatest games, including The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Mega Man 2. Just plug it in…and play.  It's a mini version of the classic system!

The system comes bundled with an HDMI cable, an AC adapter, one NES Classic Controller, and all 30 games, installed and ready-to-play. Each NES Classic Controller can be plugged into a Wii Remote controller for use with NES Virtual Console games on the Wii U system!

Get this system now!

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