Thursday 19 January 2017

Killer Zombie Cats Story Game

There is a story telling gaming company based out of Barrie, Ontario called One More Story Games! I love the name because it reminds of how I read a book "just one more chapter" or "just one more page".  And when you are playing Story Games it's that way....just one more story and I will close this.

One of the co-owners is a friend of mine on Facebook, and a really fun lady!  She was telling us about this game called Killer Zombie Cats that was created by Kiera Palmer a 11 year old camper from their summer camp!

I have boys close to this age: 8 & 10, who come up with some really fun and unique story ideas, that I think would make a really fun story game, that I thought this would be fun to check out.  Ok so I checked it out in like October, and only got to writing it now.  It's been insanity for me, until now.

The idea beind the story is:

Battle to save Earth from the Killer Zombie Cats. Everyone has disappeared except you, Donald Trump aka Trumpy Cat, and his evil horde of zombie cats who have been poisoned! Can you save the world by defeating evil? #trumpycat

It is a short game, so only 6-8 minutes long.  So you aren't investing a ton of time, but it is fun, and there are some tricks along the way. I know..... I fell for one and died :P I had to start over!

If you are looking for a long in-depth sink your teeth into game, this is not it! But if you want a quick fun game that was created by a little girl, and will have you giggling, and inspired about the next generation then please do give this game a shot:

Save the World From Killer Zombie Cats

If you are not interested in this particular game, please do check out their other games! They have a large variety! If you are interested in this game, great! Play it, then check out more of their games!

One More Story Games

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