Sunday 4 January 2015

Battleship AKA My Sister Cheats At Board Games

When I was a kid, we played a lot of board games. My mom could get those used all over the place, or they weren't too much brand new. I used to play Battleship  with my older sister all the time, and she always won. I never could find her ships.

In case you don't know, Battleship is a guessing game for two players, where you hide plastic ships your hidden grid type board, and the other person has to figure out where it is by calling out letters and numbers.  They then mark off the grid with either a red (hit), or white (miss) peg. 

My older sister use to always tell me miss. I would end up with an almost entirely white board, with spaces not nearly big enough for the ships she had.  She would get all of mine easily, and I would be so confused.

One day, I decided to cheat, and peek at her board when she had got up for a minute, just to see where her ships were.  Well as it turned out, she would hang some off the edge of the board, with only 1 or 2 spaces covered on the board.  Also she would overlap them.  So I would think that area was cleared, and really there was still a ship there.

Overall, the game was fun, but I learned not to play with my older sister, as she cheated badly :P

Have you ever played Battleship? Did you play fairly or cheat?

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