Monday 5 January 2015

The Ultimate Board Games - S

I assembled the "Ultimate Board Games" list, and we are currently working our way through it! So here are the Ns.

(Visit the 0-9, & AsBs, Cs, Ds, Es, Fs, Gs, Hs, Is, Js, Ks, Ls, Ms, Ns, Os, Ps, Qs, Rs)


St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg is a card-driven board game.

The first expansion, by Karl-Heinz Schmiel, is The Banquet, appearing first as an insert in a magazine, and consists of 12 new cards (3 normal and 9 special), as well as rules to use them. The second expansion, by Tom Lehmann, is The New Society and consists of 36 cards (28 normal, 7 replacement, and a fifth role card), plus rules to use them and to expand the game to five players. Both expansions were bundled together and sold as the St. Petersburg Expansion.



The Samurai - for centuries, the name has represented unfailing courage, imperturbable loyalty and internal harmony. Today the name is no less respected and stories of the Samurai myths and legends have become more and more popular.

In Japan, there were three Samurai forces: Peasants, clergy and nobility. The way to power in old Japan led through the peasants, the clergy, and the nobility. To become a Samurai, one had to be supported by one of these forces and have strong connections to the other two. Samurai is the latest game from award-winning author Reiner Knizia.

The three forces are represented by rice fields, Buddhas and high helmets. They are presented in molded plexiglass, finely polished and noble black. The board comes in four pieces, representing the four major Japanese islands.

To win, players must skillfully position their forces to gain the majority surrounding the cities and villages to capture figures.


Do you have it in you to make it onto the High Council? Each player takes all of the aristocrats and prestige stones of one color.

Place your aristocrats in front of you, put one marking stone on the scoring path, and the other in the top right hand corner of the game board. Begin the game by rolling the die four times and placing your aristocrats in each of the corresponding districts. For example, if one of your four rolls is a 6, you would place two of your aristocrats in the district of Castello.

In each round, you will either be a distributor or a decision-maker. The distributor draws five action cards and three limit cards and divides them in any way he chooses. His goal is to make one pile as appealing as he can to the decision-maker without making the pile detrimental to himself. Once the distributor has made two piles of cards, they are placed up, and the decision maker gets to decide which pile he will take. He them performs the actions indicated on the cards he chose (placing aristocrats, putting up a bridge, transferring aristocrats, calling for a vote, or banishing other players.)

Then the distributor takes the remaining pile of cards and performs the actions indicated on his cards. Each round continues in the same manner with roles changing between distributor and decision maker. At the end of three rounds, the player with the most points, earned when votes are called, is the winner and has earned election to the High Council.


Scattergories Game

Team up to be creative in this party game where being different counts! In the Scattergories game, teams come up with answers that fit the categories listed on their card. Sounds easy, but the answers need to start with the letter rolled on the die! Come up with as many answers as you can before time runs out, but be creative – your team only gets points if no other team has the same answer.Do you have what it takes to be creative and think outside the box? The Scattergories game keeps you on your toes. Try to outwit other teams by coming up with unique answers in this fast-paced party game. Choose a category card, then roll the large 20-sided die and see which letter shows up. Race against the timer to think of answers for each category that begin with the letter on the die. Here's where it pays to be unique! You can only score points if your answers are different from the other teams'.

Play individually or as teams in this exciting and fast-paced party game. Each team or player takes 1 of 32 category cards and writes down words that fit the categories on the card. Words have to begin with the letter rolled on the oversized letter die. Start the timer and the challenge of being different begins! Need a color that begins with the letter P? Instead of pink, try powder blue. Need a word for furniture that begins with the letter C? How about a cozy chair, or a comfy cotton couch? Multiple word answers that start with the same letter for each word rack up even more points. Whomever gets the most points wins the game.


Scene It? is a DVD game series created by Screenlife, in which players answer trivia questions about films or pop culture. The games were first developed to be played with questions read from trivia cards or viewed on a television from an included DVD or based on clips from movies, TV shows, music videos, sports and other popular culture phenomena. Scene It? was made available as a mobile game for iPhone, iPad, on Xbox 360, PlayStation and Wii as well as two social media game on Facebook.

Players choose either a short or long game, and adjust the Flextime game board. For a short game, the board is folded so fewer spaces show. Each player throws a six-sided die to see who goes first. Then, the player rolls both the ordinary die and a customized eight-sided "category die" to see how far they move, and what challenge they face. The challenge can range from a trivia card question, a DVD challenge, ("My Play" or "All Play"), or they may have to draw a "Buzz card" (Cards are often renamed in special editions such as a "Prime Directive" card in Star Trek "Scene It?"). If the roller wins the challenge, they can go again, but if they lose, the dice are handed to the next player. This process keeps going until someone hits the All Play to Win stop sign, in which that player must win one final All Play, in which everyone participates, in order to win. If not, they go to ring 3 of the zone called Final Cut. There they must answer 3 questions right. If that falls through, then on the next turn they only have to answer 2 questions, and then only 1 question if that fails. If a Final Cut challenge is won, then they win the game, and they get to watch a victory scene on the DVD.


 Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard is a board game in which a team of players, as police, cooperate to track down a player controlling a criminal around a board representing the streets of London. It is named after Scotland Yard, the headquarters of London's Metropolitan Police Service. Scotland Yard is an asymmetric board game, with the detective players cooperatively solving a variant of the pursuit-evasion problem.

One player controls "Mr. X", a criminal whose location is only revealed periodically, and the other players each control a detective, which is always present on the board.



Put letters together, build words, add up your points and win! This classic game features the classic Scrabble equipment for a big-time word-on-word showdown. Do you see a word your opponent hasn't seen? A double or triple letter or word space that will let you earn big points? Could the luck of the draw win you the game? Use your letters to score points and challenge your family and friends. It’s your word against theirs!

Includes 1 gameboard, 100 wooden letter tiles, 4 tile racks, 1 drawstring letter bag and game guide.

For 2 to 4 players.

Senet Game

Senet is one of the oldest known board games. It has been found in predynastic and First Dynasty burials of Egypt.

By the time of the New Kingdom in Egypt, it had become a kind of talisman for the journey of the dead. Because of the element of luck in the game and the Egyptian belief in determinism, it was believed that a successful player was under the protection of the major gods of the national pantheon: Ra, Thoth, and sometimes Osiris.[citation needed] Consequently, Senet boards were often placed in the grave alongside other useful objects for the dangerous journey through the afterlife, and the game is referred to in Chapter XVII of the Book of the Dead.

The Senet gameboard is a grid of 30 squares, arranged in three rows of ten. A Senet board has two sets of pawns (at least five of each and, in some sets, more, as well as shorter games with fewer). The actual rules of the game are a topic of some debate, although historians have made educated guesses.

Senet historians Timothy Kendall and R. C. Bell have each proposed their own sets of rules to play the game. These rules have been adopted by different companies which make Senet sets for sale today.


Sentinels of The Multiverse

Sentinels of the Multiverse is a designer card game. It is a cooperative game in which players control a team of comic book-style heroes battling a villain. Each player controls a different hero, while a villain and environment deck each run themselves. A given game includes 3 to 5 heroes, 1 villain and 1 environment, which can be mixed and matched to create a number of different scenarios. The core game comes with 10 heroes, 4 villains, and 4 environments.

The game mechanics of Sentinels of the Multiverse include aspects that are somewhat similar to a variety of other card games, including Magic: The Gathering and Dominion. Each hero comes with a fixed deck of 40 cards, as well a "character card" that specifies initial hit points (HP) for that hero as well as an innate power. On their turns, the players may each play a card, use one of several "powers" provided by cards, and draw a card. On the villain and environment turns, the players reveal the top card of the villain and environment decks, respectively, and perform the specified actions. When a hero is reduced to 0 HP, they lose the ability to use cards or powers, but remain in the game as an "incapacitated hero" with a fixed set of abilities with which they may aid their allies. The game generally ends when either all heroes are incapacitated, or the villain is reduced to 0 or fewer HP, though some villains include alternate win conditions.


Sequence is a board-and-card game where the object of the game is to form rows of five poker chips on the board by placing the chips on the board spaces corresponding to cards played from your hand.

Sequence can be played with two to 12 players, so long as the number of players is divisible by two or three. If there are more than three individual players, they should divide evenly into two or three teams (up to three teams of four players). With two teams, players alternate their physical positions with opponents around the playing surface. With three teams, players of a team must be positioned at every third player around the playing surface.

Place the game board on a flat surface (such as the floor or a table) with enough room to allow for the draw deck, a discard pile and marker chips. Remove the jokers, if any, from the deck as they are not used in the game.

To decide who goes first, one player then shuffles the card decks into one stack. Each player takes a card from the deck. The player with the lowest card deals. Shuffle once more. Each player or team then chooses a set of poker chips, and all members of each team must use the same color chips (red is only used if there are three teams).


One of the most successful games of all time, Settlers of Catan is a trading and building game set in the mythical world of Catan.

Players roll dice to determine which resources are generated each round and then must strategically trade those resources with other players to get what they need to build their settlements, cities, and roads.

With multiple ways to gain victory points and a board that changes in every play, Settlers of Catan is a game that can be played hundreds of different ways. The base of a hugely successful franchise, with multiple engaging expansions, Settlers is the core game of many collections, and is a wonderful way to spend time with family and friends.

For 3 to 4 players.


Shadow Hunters


You are a Shadow, a creature of the night, or a Hunter, a human whose job is to destroy supernatural creatures, or a civilian, a normal human just caught in the middle of this ancient battle. But your identity remains secret until someone outs you through your actions and through Hermit cards or you reveal yourself to use your special ability.

The key to victory is to identify your allies and enemies early. Survival! Once your identity is revealed, your enemies will attack without impunity using their special abilities like Demolish, Teleport, and Suck Blood or equipment cards such as the Rusty Broad Ax or Fortune Brooch.

This ancient battle comes to a head and only one group will stand victorious – or a civilian, in the right circumstances, might claim victory.

Good game for a large group of players.


Shadows Over Camelot

A lone swallow flies across the grey skies of Cornwall. The forces of evil are gathering around Camelot. The Black Knight was sighted atop a desolate ridge; a scheming Morgan plots her revenge; the Saxon troops are on the move; and acres of timber are being felled for the siege engines. And yet Lancelot has all but vanished, with Excalibur yet to be recovered. These are heavy times indeed.

Will you, young squire, come forth and pledge allegiance to your fellow Knights of the Round Table' In your heart of pure intent and ready to sacrifice for the good of all' Or will the dark promise of power seduce you into treason' Shadows Over Camelot is a unique collaborative game featuring a malevolent twist.

As the incarnation of the Knights of the Round Table, players work together to defeat the forces closing in on Camelot. But beware, players must be vigilant for a traitor in their midst who is biding his time-secretly sowing the seeds of havoc and destruction. Yet too much suspicion will undermine the knight's efforts to protect the kingdom. These are dangerous times indeed.

The game is for 3 to 7 players and takes about 60-90 minutes to play.


Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Game

Analyze and solve the greatest mysteries of the Victorian era. Ten Sherlock Holmes adventures in which you are the hero.

You are a member of the Baker Street Irregulars working to solve mysteries before the Master. You are either investigating the mysteries as an individual, or trying to win against up to 8 other investigators.

The curse of the mummy, the murders of the Thames, the mysteries of London, the stolen paintings... strange cases of the most famous detective ever: Sherlock Holmes. Equipped with a copy of the Times, a map of London, a directory and more importantly - your logic, you will roam the streets of London trying to solve the most heinous crimes.

Will you visit the crime scene? Meet Inspector Lestrade? The decision is in your hands and each clue that you follow will bring you a step closer to the truth. Unravel the string of intrigue, answer a series of questions and compare your score to that of Sherlock Holmes.

Can you beat the Master?


Shogi, also known as Japanese chess or the Generals' Game, is a two-player strategy board game in the same family as chess.

Perhaps the enduring popularity of shogi can be attributed to its "drop rule"; it was the first chess variant wherein captured pieces could be returned to the board to be used as one's own. David Pritchard credits the drop rule to the practice of 16th century mercenaries who switched loyalties when captured—no doubt as an alternative to execution.


Samurai Swords

Shogun was a board wargame. It was renamed to Samurai Swords in its first re-release to disambiguate it from other games with the same name, and renamed again to Ikusa in its 2011 re-release under Hasbro's Avalon Hill banner. Set in feudal Japan, two to five players take control of a fictional warlord and pit their armies against one another in hopes of winning the title Shogun.

Each player controls a number of daimyo, or generals, who command an army. Other forces on the board represent militia and garrisons. Players also have the option of hiring ronin (mercenaries). There is also a ninja, principally used as an assassin against enemy daimyo. Units include samurai swordsmen and bowmen, and ashigaru spearmen and gunners. Income, called koku, is derived from control of territories. Players attempt to destroy their rivals in battle and seize their territories. Some interesting features include the orchestration of armies in battle, the emphasis on generals (who gain levels, much like roleplaying game characters), and the unpredictable element of ronin placement.

The game uses six twelve-sided dice. The trays for units are designed to resemble Japanese fortresses, and each player receives a small katana (to display the order in which players take their turns).



Skirrid is a board game designed for 2–6 players. It is played on a 19×19 square board which is divided into two areas: a central diamond (coloured white) and the four corner triangles (coloured black) that remain. One player has 18 translucent tiles made of clear plastic, the other of smoked plastic. These tiles come in six different shapes, each with their own name:

White begins by placing any of his tiles across the centre square. The players then take turns placing their pieces on the board, which is covered with numbers. Players must play within the white squares until they have achieved a score of 75 or more.The aim is to get as high a score as possible. Of the three pieces of each variety, one has an inscribed '2' above one square, and one has an inscribed '3' (the other is unmarked). When these pieces are played, the square on the board covered by the number written on the tile is multiplied by that number when it is added to the relevant player's score. Pieces may only be placed in positions where they are adjacent to (not just diagonally touching) a piece of either colour that has already been placed. The game ends when all 36 pieces have been placed on the board, and the highest score wins.

A player may block their opponent by placing a shape upside down. For the next turn only, the other player may not play adjacent to this blocking piece (but is permitted to touch it diagonally). The blocking shape scores half its normal total, rounding down if necessary.


Small World

Small World is a zany, light-hearted civilization game in which 2-5 players vie for conquest and control of a board that is simply too small to accommodate them all. Picking the right combination of fantasy races and unique special powers, players must rush to expand their empires - often at the expense of weaker neighbors. Yet they must also know when to push their own over-extended civilization into decline and ride a new one to victory.

Designed by Philippe Keyaerts, as the fantasy follow-up to his award-winning Vinci, Small World is inhabited by a cast of characters such as dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs and even humans; who use their troops to occupy territory and conquer adjacent lands in order to push the other races off the face of the earth.

Small World marks the return of the Days of Wonder line of heavily-themed, big-box sized games featuring evocative illustrations, high-quality European components and a compelling, fun theme.


Snakes and Ladders is an ancient Indian board game regarded today as a worldwide classic.  It is played between two or more players on a gameboard having numbered, gridded squares. A number of "ladders" and "snakes" are pictured on the board, each connecting two specific board squares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start (bottom square) to the finish (top square), helped or hindered by ladders and snakes respectively. The historic version had root in morality lessons, where a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes).

The game is a simple race contest based on sheer luck, and is popular with young children.


Solarquest is a space-age real estate trading game. Patterned after Monopoly, the game replaces pewter tokens with rocketships and hotels with metallic fuel stations. Players travel around the sun acquiring monopolies and fending off attacks. They seek to knock their opponents out of the game through a combination of bankruptcy, laser blasts, and dwindling fuel supplies.

Renowned for its playability and appealing design, this board game developed a devoted fan base before going out of print in the late 1990s.



Sorry! is a board game that is based on the ancient Cross and Circle game Pachisi. Players try to travel around the board with their pieces faster than any other player.

The objective is to be the first player to get all four of his or her color pawns from his or her Start location to his or her Home space. The pawns are normally moved in a clockwise direction, but can be moved backward if directed. Movement of pawns are directed by the drawing of a card.

The board game is laid out in a square with sixteen spaces per side, with each player assigned his or her own coloured Start location and Home locations offset towards the centre, one per side. Four five-square paths, one per colour, lead from the common outer path towards a player's Home and are designated his or her "Safety Zone." On each side are two "Slides," grouping four or five spaces each.


Space Hulk

Space Hulk is a board game for two players. The game is set in the fictional universe of Warhammer 40,000. In the game, a "space hulk" is a mass of ancient, derelict space ships, asteroids, and other assorted space debris. One player takes the role of Space Marine Terminators - Human elite soldiers - which have been sent to investigate such a space hulk; the other player takes the role of Tyranid Genestealers - an aggressive alien species - which have made their home aboard such a space hulk.

In Warhammer 40,000, the term "space hulk" is used to refer to any massive derelict space ship. Due to the shifting, immaterial nature of the Warp, an otherworldly realm through which space ships may travel between the stars far quicker than they would be able to through real space, some space hulks are jumbled and twisted agglomerations of multiple vessels lost to the Warp throughout centuries or millennia. Space hulks may house more than just Genestealers; other threats aboard can include human followers of the dark gods of Chaos, nightmarish Warp Daemons, and Orks who use space hulks as their "standard" method of interstellar travel.


Spy Alley is a board game wherein each player secretly works for the spy agency of one of six countries.

The players take turns moving around the board in an attempt to first gather the password, disguise, code book, and key corresponding to their country, and then reach their embassy, winning the game.

But the player must beware, for any of one's opponents may deduce and expose one's nationality at any time, thus eliminating one from the game.


The Star Wars Epic Duels board game was released by Hasbro in 2002. It was designed for ages 8 and up, and for 2-6 players.

"In Epic Duels, you create hundreds of never-before-seen battles or relive classic duels. Stage your battle in 1 of 4 different locations - a landing platform on Kamino, the Execution Arena on Geonosis, the Carbon-Freeze Room or The Emperor's Throne Room. Attack & eliminate your opponents one by one, until you're the last one standing" (from the game box).

The game comes with "31 decorated Star Wars figures, 2 double-sided gameboards, 12 character cards, 28 wound markers, 378 cards, 1 die, label sheet and Instructions" (from the gamebox).



In Steam, you build railroads and deliver goods along an ever-changing network of tracks and stations. You build the tracks, upgrade towns, improve your train, and grab the right goods to make the longest, most profitable deliveries. Score your deliveries and add to your income or victory points, balancing your need to invest against your quest to win the game.

Steam contains a beautiful, double-sided game board. The map on each side depicts terrain, towns, and cities at the start of the railway age. The map of the northeastern USA and neighboring Canada is ideal for 3 or 4 players. Use the map of Europe's lower Rhine and Ruhr region when playing a 4- or 5-player game. And, because you can play Steam on any number of current and future variant and expansion maps, we include pieces for 6 players.

Steam is the culmination of Martin Wallace's classic railroad game series. It contains a brilliantly balanced base game, and a very rich, elegant standard game. Both offer you unparalleled flavor and fun. Steam is designed by Martin Wallace, and plays 3-6 players.


Stock Ticker Board Game

Stock Ticker is a now out of print board game that was popular upon its release and is still played today.

The game has six stocks, which in fact are commodities. These six are gold, silver, Bonds, oil, industrials, and grain. During gameplay all the stocks are identical. Each stock begins costing a dollar apiece. Players are given starting money of $5000 and they buy shares in groups of 500, 1000, 2000, or 5000. The stocks move based on the throw of three dice. The first die picks the stock that will be affected, with one of the commodities on each side of the die. The second die determines what whether the stock will move up, down, or pay a dividend. The third die decides if the movement or dividend will be five, ten, or twenty cents. For instance a roll of Industrials, Down, 20 will move the industrials stock from its start value of $1.00 to 80 cents. A roll of Grain, Up, 5 would move grain up to $1.05.


Stratego Board Game

Stratego is a strategy board game for two players on a 10×10 square board.

Each player controls 40 pieces representing individual officers and soldiers in an army. The objective of the game is to find and capture the opponent's Flag, or to capture so many enemy pieces that the opponent cannot make any further moves.

Players cannot see the ranks of one another's pieces, so disinformation and discovery are important facets to gameplay.


Suburbia Board Game

Plan, build and develop a small town into a major metropolis. Use hex-shaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic and industrial areas, as well as special points of interest that provide benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby towns.

Your goal is to have your borough thrive and end up with a greater population than any of your opponents. Suburbia is a tile-laying game in which each player tries to build up an economic engine and infrastructure that will be initially self-sufficient and eventually become both profitable and encourage population growth.

As your town grows, you'll modify both your income and your reputation. As your income increases, you'll have more cash on hand to purchase better and more valuable buildings, such as an international airport or a high rise office building. As your reputation increases, you'll gain more and more population (and the winner at the end of the game is the player with the largest population).

During each game, players compete for several unique goals that offer an additional population boost - and the buildings available in each game vary, so you'll never play the same game twice!


In each Super Quiz game there are six boxes of question cards. Each box contains cards which cover a specific category of knowledge. There are more than 150 cards in each box. Each card has one side designated A and the other side B. The cards are placed in the box with all cards facing one way. There are 3 questions on the A face and 3 on the B face. The answers are shown below for each question (5760 questions in total).
Difficulty levels

The books, the games and the syndicated quiz all feature a graduated 3-level format: Freshman Level, Graduate Level, and Ph.D. Level. Answering each question awards points depending on their difficulty level:
Freshman Level     1 point
Graduate Level     2 points
Ph.D. Level     3 points

The player who reaches a total of 35 points wins the game. In reaching this total a player must get at least 3 points in each of the 6 categories, but is allowed no more than 10 points in any 1 category.


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