Tuesday 3 February 2015

Ultimate Video Games - Q

At And She Games we love all kinds of gaming, and all types of games! So we have been curating some Ultimate Game Lists to show off to you!  We have been working our way through the The Ultimate Board Games List for a while now, and would love if you would check that out as well!

We wanted to work on Video Games next.   But first, let me say that there are a lot of video games out there.  Every type and variety, and I am sure we will miss some a long the way.  Also since some games and systems are obsolete and "current" can be a relative term, we went with 2005 and newer, and as many as we can find.

We would love your input on any we may miss along the way!  We would also love to hear your thoughts of some of these games.  If you would like to write a review of the game on our blog (we can link back to your game or business), please email us.

Check out the other letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P


QMotion Baseball is a baseball game that featured a motion capture plate, and bat.  This way you could really swing a bat to hit balls in the game.  It was released in 2005, and was published by QMotion. 

Platforms were PC and XBox


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