Saturday 21 March 2015

Crossy Roads - App Of The Week

If you are a fan of classic Frogger.. here is a fun game to download: Crossy Roads. It is free to play, although you can purchase extras as you go. The premise is the same as good ol' Frogger - get your little character across a set of busy streets, train tracks, and logs over the river.

Along the way, collect coins and tokens which you use to buy more characters. The default character is a white chicken but you get more as prizes, coins, or in store as you go... like a pink bunny, a basketball player, or a kiwi bird.

Although the character you use always changes when you get a new one, you can always set it back to your favourite before you start hopping.

As you hop (by tapping your screen), the total number of successful lines you pass get totalled...making the furthest distance you achieve be your top score. When playing, there is a line on the ground to mark your furthest point so you know exactly when you have beat it. If your path gets blocked, you can swipe your finger to whatever direction you'd like your character to run before hopping again. But don't stay in a spot too long, or an eagle will swoop down and take you away!

One of my favourite things in the game is that when you misjudge timing on a jump and you find your character splatted against the side of a vehicle, the game takes a snapshot of your splatted self which you can share on social media. It cracks me up every time.

My son showed me his game the other day and, although I am annoyed he is currently ahead of my best score, he shared some really neat features - like the opportunity to do short trial runs with bonus characters you normally have to pay for. For him, he was The Dark Lord and the game changes to an eerie red colour. It only lasted like 1 minute but he thought that was a great extra.

I also like that your new characters are delivered via a gumball style machine with presents inside. It just makes it a little more fun.

If you like Frogger, you'll love this game. 

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