Monday 2 March 2015

Getting Checked

I previously wrote about my hatred for Chess....seriously... that game makes me bonkers, which is funny because I never much minded Checkers.  I think it's because it's a similar style game but with out the ridiculous rules.

I always found Chess to have so many rules for the sake of making it complicated. Like each piece has it's own set of rules and there are so many of them. It gets to the point where it's like you could've made this game easy, but it is more elitest.  Anyways...this not about that. LOL

This is about my love of Checkers.  OK maybe not love, but I have always liked the game.

Checkers is fairly easy to teach, and pretty much anyone can learn how to play.  I love the accessibility of it, and to me that's what makes a game fun.

I have fond memories of playing checkers with my Grandpa, Dad, and sisters all through out my childhood.  It's something that I want to play with my boys as it makes you think but not to the point where it will take someone 5 minutes to make a move.  Although my Dad use to do that to me.

Dad loves Chess, so we were playing checkers together and he started taking longer and longer to make his move.  Finally I got up and left.  By the time he made his move he was looking for me, and my mom is like I am pretty sure Shari is outside playing.  He explained that couldn't be as we were playing checkers together.   Mom looked outside, and I was out there playing.

Seriously I don't have patience for Chess. LOL

Are you more a Checkers or a Chess kind of person?

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