Saturday 11 July 2015

App Of The Week: Triple Town

A couple of years ago my hubby downloaded an app called Triple Town.  It was addictive in it's simplicity.  This is one of those games we have gone back to after a while and play solid for a few days then move on to something else.  But it has staying power in our household.

Triple Town is a strategy puzzle game.  You start out with grass, and you have to match 3 grass together to build a bush.  Match 3 bushes to make a tree, then you will keep working your way up to floating castles. 

The game takes place on a 6×6 grid of fields on which some tiles are randomly placed.  You are given random tiles, most often grass, and three or more identical tiles adjoin, they merge into one more advanced tile at the position of the last tile placed.

Watch out for those pesky bears though! You have to trap the bears to turn them into a church....I am not sure how bears make a church, but alas that's how it works.  Bears move around thus the reason for trapping them.  Some of them are Ninjas!  And those move around but they jump to any spot on the board!

Another tile you get is a crystal. Crystals can be used as a wild card to make any match, and then you can use imperial bots remove individual tiles, or, if used on bears, turn them into gravestones.

The object of the game is to upgrade as much as possible to get the highest score possible!

I always find the most simple game to be the most addictive.

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