Tuesday 14 July 2015

Top 5 Video Game Items From ThinkGeek

Hubby and I love shopping at Think Geek, and get their newsletters all the time.... we sort of dread when the other opens it up and clicks that link.  We know what's going to happen; we are going to end up spending a lot of time checking out the site LOL

Since we ended up doing that last night, I figured I would pick 5 of my favourite items from their video game section to show you all.

1. The Level Up Pipe Mug

Ok I love coffee, and I love cool mugs. I think this one is awesome! I also think it's not one of those you have to explain to people either.  Pretty much everyone knows what this is from.

2. Tetris Fail Blanket

I can't be the only one this has happened to, right?  It made me laugh, and it's a fleece blanket.  Since I am always cold, I thought this was perfect.

3. Space Invaders Polo Shirt

My hubby wears Polo Shirts to work every day, so he is always in need of more.  He works at a geeky office as a programmer, so I got him all the Star Wars Polos from Think Geek previously.  I think this Space Invaders one has to be on my next order for him. 

We love the subtle icon on these polos and that yes they are geeky, but they are work appropriate.  Plus it's not overly in your face, but when you look close it makes you smile!

4. Assassin's Creed Arno Costume Hoodie

Hoodies are one of those things that has been in-style for a while.  But these days you need something unique, and funky to really fit the bill for a hoodie.  This Assassin's Creed one is pretty funky, and love the nod to Assassin's Creed, but if someone isn't a fan, they will still think it's just an awesome hoodie.

5. Power-Up Arcade Light Switch Plate

This is a light Switch plate. That's right!  You can turn a light on and off with the joystick.  This would be awesome in a game room. I totally love it....I am a bit geeky that way but I really want one :P

So what are your MUST haves from Think Geek?

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