Saturday 1 August 2015

App Of The Week: Disco Zoo

This week I tried out Disco Zoo.  You don't play Disco Zoo for the awesome graphics LOL It's one of those 8bit style games.

When you first open this game, you are at your zoo with no animals.  You have to go find them, so you can rescue them. For this, you have to buy a hot air balloon....nope didn't make sense to me either but off I went!  In order to rescue an animal, you have to get all the animals from that species and each one has a specific pattern you need.

You are then given a puzzle, and have to click to find the animals.  You have only a certain number of attempts to find the animals.

Once you have all the animals you were able to find, you can then add them to your zoo.  When you have animals in your zoo, you can start earning coins.  After my first game I had 1 cow, and a sheep.  I wouldn't call that a great zoo lol

As you find animals your Zoo gets better, and will get better reviews. 

Plus you can start a Disco and your animals will be awake and earning you coins throughout the disco.

This is an interesting game and a different concept then I am use to.

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