Saturday 17 October 2015

App Of The Week: Minions Paradise

It seems like Minions are everywhere these days. Since people love minions, they are getting marketed in and on everything!  So it was only a matter of time before they had their own app.

Minions Paradise is the Minions App where you can have your own Minion island.  Phil, one of the minions, sinks the cruise ship that the Minions are vacationing on!  When Phil gets to a deserted island first, you have to help him get things set up for the other minions! After all, he did ruin their vacation, they are pretty mad at him!

This island is all about partying it up Minion style.  So you will be creating tikki bars, hammocks, pinatas, and all the awesome things that make a vacation awesome on an island.

Think of this game as a Farmville style game, but without the farming, and with more minions.  It is fun, and simple.

I like that you don't have to wait on things to build or call all your friends to help. I am all about let me play my game when I want to play. I will be back when I have time.

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