Friday 4 December 2015

Minecraft Story Mode

Our friends at Raising My Boys is doing a review and giveaway for Minecraft Story Mode and wanted us to share it with you! This makes a great gift!

Who doesn't love Minecraft? Well, other than those of us older folks who just don't seem to get it and can't handle the graphics. The whole game hurts my eyes. But Boo, his friends, and pretty much every kid I know just love it. Well, the original game from Mojang has now been taken in a new direction by Telltale Games, in collaboration with Mojang and members of the Minecraft community.

========== Read More and Enter ==========


  1. My computer is too old and weak for gaming, so I will let someone else win the giveaway. I may pick this up for our game system, though- my kids would like it.

  2. My oldest son would LOVE this! He's a huge Minecraft fan. :)

  3. my little boy is nuts for minecraft big big fan

  4. My daughter is pretty new to Minecraft, she's just experimenting with it, but so far she loves it & this would be cool for her! Sadly, I don't understand it at all! haha.

  5. Minecraft too hurts my eyes! My nephew though is just obsessed with it though.


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