Tuesday 15 November 2016

Giant Tumbling Timbers

If you are a fan of The Big Bang Theory show, you probably have seen them play the massive Jenga blocks game.  It seems awesome, and I kept telling hubby we needed that. I honestly thought they made it for the show....but then my world changed - I found this:

They are not Jenga brand, but they are called Giant Tumbling Timbers

This game starts at 2.5 feet tall and grows taller.  It can reach up to about 5 feet if you are really good at the game!!

Giant Tumbling Timbers works great for an outside game, but could work inside if you have durable floors, and a lot of space.  It is great for parties, groups, and events.  Also I could see this being fun for camping!

This set is made with beautifully crafted undecorated solid pine wood and is hand cut and sanded for smooth game play. Please note that the bottom level only has two timbers to begin, using 56 timbers allows for the easiest packing arrangement.

Get The Giant Tumbling Timbers

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