Monday 14 November 2016

The Voting Game
I am on the hunt for some fun gifts for the people on my list, and I know we have a few friends and family who love entertaining and playing games.  I thought The Voting Game might be a great gift, and a super fun game to play.

The Voting Game is a party game that uncovers uncovers the hilarious truth behind your friendships.

  1. The game begins when the first question card is revealed.
  2. Players then vote anonymously for the player that is best described by the question.
  3. Results are tallied and revealed to the group - laughter is guaranteed!
  4. Each player guesses who voted for them. Players get one guess for every vote they received. If they guess correctly, the truth is revealed.
Every time you play it will be different depending on who you are playing with. 

This game is made for players aged 17 and up, and for 5-10 players.

Example Question Cards

Who would have the hardest time talking their way out of an insane asylum?
Who will be the hardest to recognize in 10 years?
Who would lose an election because of something they did in high school?
Whose Google search history would you most like to see?

Grab This Game

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