Friday, 19 June 2015

86 Epic Dr. Who Knitting Patterns

Free Dr. Who Knitting Patterns

Do we have any Dr. Who fans in the group? We love all things geeky even if it isn't exactly gaming! I found 86 Epic Dr. Who Knitting Patterns that I thought you would love.

I also have a 40 Epic Dr. Who Crochet Patterns that I found as well.

1. Season 12 Scarf
2. Dr. Who Jelly Belly
3. Dr. Who Scarf
4. Official BBC Scarf Pattern
5. Dr. Who Knee High Socks
6. Dr. Who Selbu Cuff Chart
7. Tardis Square
8. Dr. Who Scarf Inspired Bookmark
9. Tardis Kindle Cover
10. Reverse Polarity Socks
11. Dr. Who
12. Morris & Sons Dr. Who Scarf
13. Tardis Scarf
14. Season 15 Scarf
15. Tiny Posh Knit Scarf
16. Dr. Who the Angels have the blue box
17. Dr. Who Logo Scarf
18. Dr. Who Logo Dishcloth
19. Dr. Who Wrist Warmers
20. Jayne Style Hat
21. Dr. Who Ribbed Cowl
22. Jelly Baby? Dishcloth
23. Don't Blink Dishcloth
24. Rassilion Seal Dishcloth
25. Adipose Dishcloth
26. K9 Dishcloth
27. Whovian Fair Isle Sweater
28. Bow Ties Are Cool
29. Cyberman V2 Dishcloth
30. Scarf Inspired Cushion Cover
31. Scarf Inspired Sweater
32. iPod Cozy
33. Dr. Who Tardis Afghan
34. Mommy's Little Dalek Jumper
35. Dr. Who Knitted Tie
36. Star Whale
37. New Old Who Scarf
38. Knitted Sonic Screwdriver
39. Whovian Mittens
40. Tardis Dishcloth
41. Bigger On The Inside
42. Insulate Hat
43. Insulate Mittens
44. Extremiknit
45. Knitted Dalek Cloth
46. Police Box Sox
47. Mini K-9
48. Dr. Who Logo Dishcloth
49. Tardis Wrist Warmers
50. Tardis Phone Cozy
51. Tardis Hat
52. Bowties Are Cool Socks
53. Reversible Tea Kettle Cozy
54. Dalek Dog Sweater
55. Tardis Scarf
56. Tardis Travel Coffee Cozy
57. Amelie's Tardis Socks
58. Tardis Beanie
59. Tardis Mouse
60. Tardis Scarf
61. Tam of Rassilon
62. Bokaclava - Monster Monster
63. Tilting Tardis Cowl
64. Dalek Egg Cosy
65. Coffee Press Cosy
66. Eleven's Sonic Screwdriver
67. Weeping Angel Socks
68. Dalek Shawl
69. Rose Tyler's Boomtown Scarf
70. The Ood Chart
71. Pinstripe Ten Scarf
72. Rose Tyler's Fingerless Mittens
73. The Police Box Hat
74. Wilf's Hat
75. Time Travel Scarf
76. Fez Toilet Paper Roll Cover
77. Police Box Chart
78. Tardis Tissue Box Cover
79. Tardis iPad Cover

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Looking for some more geeky knitting inspiration? Check these out!


Thirty fun geeky knitting projects; Cthullu fingerless gloves a Sherlock Holmes style Baker Street Hat, a Star Trek Themed "Communicator Purse", Tom Barker's infamous Doctor Who scarf in sock format, a tardis patterned "Blue Box Scarf", and much more.

 Find it here.


Thirty nifty nerdy knitting patterns, including hobbit feet slippers, a space princess hat complete with iconic buns, "Aim to Misbehave" jacket (this coat is of course brown), manga robot mecha legwarmers, the classic time traveller scarf, a Gryffindor themed book bag, and more.

 Find it here.

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