Saturday 12 September 2015

Hot Wheels Showdown App

I have a 7yo who is a Hot Wheels fan.  He loves having tons and tons of cars, and does races in his room.  When we go places he wants to bring them with him, but that isn't normally feasible, so I usually bring his iPhone with us instead.

He always says he wants to be a race car driver. That is why a new app that we have discovered is just perfect for him! The app is called Hot Wheels Showdown app.

Every time he gets a new Hot Wheel Car in the package we can scan the QR Code, and it will add to his collection, and then he can use that car in a race!

This very cool app has 36 different tracks and hundreds of Hot Wheels cars. Once you have a car in your collection, you can race it anytime, anywhere! This may even help them to find new favourites in their current collection or remember that forgotten car they don’t play with anymore!
I also think it’s cool that with the new Hot Wheels Showdown app, I can work with my son to create a huge collection of awesome cars. That is his passion, and we can race together, since we both like racing and trying to beat each other!
If you want his app:
  1. Download the free Hot Wheels Showdown App from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Scan the QR code on the back of a Hot Wheels car pack – you don’t have to have a Hot Wheels pack to get started, but it sure does add to the fun.
  3. Your little ones are now ready to start virtually competing with their car in high-octane races!
He really likes the app so I got him to do his own review for us:


  1. This is really neat! I never knew anything about it but i know my son would love it!

  2. Sounds like a fun App, will have to tell my nephew about it. (Judy Cowan)

  3. I didn't know about this app, thanks for the heads little one loves HotWheels too, especially since she just got a hold of her older brothers cars.


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